Were do I start, Well I guess with the biggest thank you of my life!
THANK YOU to everyone who over the last 4 years have supported our mission.
THANK YOU to everyone who has donated their hard earned cash to the coco’s foundation.
THANK YOU to everyone who believed in me and also to those who didn’t as you were the fuel to the fire that burns deep inside my heart, I needed you.
THANK YOU to everyone who sent in clothes or things to take out with me.
THANK YOU to my team who help fundraise every year and to the one’s who have been out themselves to make a change with their own hands.
LASTLY THANK YOU to my kids who stand beside me and live this every day, thank you for pushing me, helping me, attending all the fundraisers even though I know you’d love to be with your friends lol and for being the people you are as thats what allowed me to do what I do.
I sit here in my warm comfy office having just had lunch, I have a warm home to go to after work and 3 wardrobes full of clothes. I have a hot shower ever morning and evening and all the mod cons to make my life effortless, fun and happy.
Yet I long to go back out to Africa where none of that exists WHY? because Africa hold’s my heart.
We have worked with the coco’s foundation for nearly 4 years now, built 11 houses for orphaned children, raised over 15K, feed 5 families every month, provide over 200 orphaned children with breakfast and after school sandwich for 3 months, taken 30 kids to get school uniform and have met some amazing Zulu people that have changed my life forever.
The best is yet to come though as we ramp up what we do moving into 2020
If you would like to get involved in what we do and donate there are a few things you can do.
1 Go directly and donate as much or as little as you can HERE
2 Go directly a set up a monthly direct debit £2 helps provide 20 meals at school or £30 helps feed a family for a month HERE
3 Call the salon on 01843 852662 and arrange to drop off all your unwanted clothes which we take to cash for clothes and use the money to buy school uniforms out there so that orphaned children can attend school.
In advance thank YOU for getting involved and helping us change as many lives as we can in our short time on this beautiful planet even if its just that you say a little prayer to wish us well.
Till next year here are some pics to enjoy of my last trip and lets make 2020 the best fundraising year yet. 🙂